The Effect of Women’s Decision Making Styles on Sustainable Consumption Behaviours


  • Burcu Savaş
  • Gülay Günay
  • Ayfer Aydiner Boylu


Economic activity is based on the continued availability of sufficient material and energy resources and on environment that is sufficiently clean and attractive. On the one hand fast increasing population and on the other hand a growing number of over consumption has caused environmental problems. All of these problems require new solutions for humanity. In this study we carried out to investigate women’s decision- making styles effects on sustainable consumption behavior. Participants in the study consist of women who live in Safranbolu/Turkey. A total of 320 female (with an approximate % 80 participation rate) are participated on a voluntary. Data were collected through a demographical information form, Consumer Style Inventory (CSI) and Sustainable Consumption Behaviors Scale (SCBs), to determine the factors affecting of women on sustainable consumption behaviors. The results demonstrated that female’s age ranged from 19 to 83 in age (M= 38.9, SD=9.8). The average income has been found 1.869,1 TL (=898,6 $; 1 dollar is equivalent to about 2.08 TL – May, 2014). The result of regression analysis revealed that demographic characteristic such as education, monthly family income and working status, decision-making style (factors Perfectionistic High-Quality Conscious, Habitual Brand-Loyal Consumer and Financial Time-Energy Conserving) of women are important predictors of sustainable consumption behaviors (p<.001).

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n3p288







Research Articles

How to Cite

The Effect of Women’s Decision Making Styles on Sustainable Consumption Behaviours. (2014). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(3), 288.