Integrity in Albanian Public Procurement. Principles and the Fight Against Corruption
Public procurement is the process of acquisition of goods, works and services financed with public funds or donations. Wayne and Wittig have defined it as "a business process within the political system. This field of public service has been and remains one of the areas most critical, given that even the fact that with time there is a widespread perception of corruption huge presence in this direction. Member countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development see public procurement in a broader aspect, including acquisitions, Rental, licensing, exclusive of works, services and supplies of goods that are financed from the state budget or international organizations. The potential for corruption in publik procurement exists in all economies and no sector is free from risks of corruption. However, some sectors were recognised as being particularly exposed to corruption in public procurement, due to the complex nature of the works and the vast amounts of the contracts that are involved (e.g., construction of major bridges, dams or tunnels). International public procurement, that often involves large contracts, can be especially lucrative target for would-be wrongdoers. Many opportunities for corruption were also identified in the delivery of development assistance and corruption was considered by many to be the most important challenge to aid-funded public procurement. The public procurement process can be abused through collusion and corruption for the purposes of political party financing, as well.Downloads
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Integrity in Albanian Public Procurement. Principles and the Fight Against Corruption. (2014). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(4), 185.