Some Open Issues Concerning the Resocialization of the Convicted People


  • Mitasin Beqiri
  • Qebir Avziu


Today, it is rightly considered that issues related to the selection and use of tools and methods with which the resocialization (treatment) is realized, has increasingly become the main issue of penology. The issues that occur as most actual and typical will be examin edhere in shortlines. Usually, when it comes to general principles the notion treatment, deals with all criminal sanctions, but it requires the application of tools and methods specific to every sanction separately, depending on its specific nature. Given the more frequent application of imprisonment, as the most used measure to fight criminality, today, without reason, the utmost attention is fixed on the treatment applied during the conduction of this sentence. Therefore, not coincidentally also this term (treatment) is exactly identified with this sentence. Regarding this definition the need for clear subject - substantial definition of the notion treatment in general and its elaboration and processs ingrelated with specific ways of implementation and execution of certain penal sanctions is also emphasized. In this regard, fully entitled are those authors who claim that the treatment for thesentencesofinstitutional characterandthoseofnon-institutionalcharactercan not (and should not) be the same. Here it comes to qualitative substantial differences that require the application of clear means and methods, defined and differentiated in the realization of resocialization.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n2p287


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How to Cite

Some Open Issues Concerning the Resocialization of the Convicted People. (2014). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2), 287.