Corporate Governance Scorecard: The Case Of Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK J.S.C.)


  • Metë Beqiraj
  • Magdalena Bregasi
  • Bahri Hyseni


The best practices of corporate governance (CG) can help companies in Kosovo increase efficiency, protection of shareholders' rights and improve their access to international capital markets. The purpose of such an evaluation system is to develop a sound basis for an assessment of the implementation of best practices and principles of the CC in Kosovo and to contribute to future development of CG. Scorecard structure contains key criteria that include CG standards (OECD) in seven key areas with relevant group of questions for each of the principles of the CG field. The research sample was taken for analysis from the most complex company "Kosovo Energy Corporation" (KEK JSC) owned 100 % by the government of Kosovo. Research methods: survey based on questionnaires (51 questions scorecard with seven areas of CG principles OECD) and interviews with key actors involved in the KEK JSC CG (shareholders, board of directors and management). Scorecard development for CG standards is based on the German model. The results are important for future development of CG standards in general, and can be compared with countries in the region.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n2p273


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How to Cite

Corporate Governance Scorecard: The Case Of Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK J.S.C.). (2014). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2), 273.