Relationship between Customer and Management Knowledge Based of Life Cycle Concept


  • Emin Neziraj
  • Justina Shiroka Pula
  • Driton Sylqa


Modern business world,, the role of consumer knowledge plays an important role in developing a knowledge management in SME respectively in industry sales industry of wholesalers and retailers . With that developed countries, the management team their knowledge harmonizes with the needs of consumers consumer knowledge. Exactly relations between of consumers and management in themselves owns series of problems which need to be resolved to an effective way. This relation in SME by transition countries has not been developed to the level as in the developed countries. Therefore, research is necessary in the SME of countries in transition, which shall first of all to determine level of relations between the consumer and the of the management team of SME the relationship the consumer of knowledge and the of knowledge of management team. Regarding to the main reason of studies and also with the problematic situations research paper require the theoretical model witches divided into two parts The first part of theatrical model is discussion about topics which is quit significant with studies areas as : Knowledge cycle based view with the main elements such are theoretical approach by creation knowledge, capture knowledge and etc. The second part of theoretical background is discussion about customer knowledge on the relation with management cycle and their segments. Empirical data of this research include the total representative number of 323 correspondents where are 253 male and 70 female, according to the statistical method of obtaining a sample size where is expedited P = 30% therefore Suggestion precision d = 0.05. According to the Questionnaires were gathered after completion and were analyzed by SPSS Software, which caring up the results of research variables which means regression analyzes with ANOVAs model will show P=0,35.The regression coefficient give us the discussion between following Hypothesis H0 Knowledge management is in relation with client knowledge in industry of wholesalers and retailers H1 Knowledge management is not in relation with client knowledge industry of wholesalers and retailers. And finally results will give explain about econometric parameters p=0,35 and ?=0,0356.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n2p117


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How to Cite

Relationship between Customer and Management Knowledge Based of Life Cycle Concept. (2014). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2), 117.