The Rise of Food as Image


  • Matthew Lee University of Malaya


Every year, advertising budget for food companies increase. Media agencies are constantly looking for the best way to utilise this huge budget to market their respective clients’ products. In the chaos of marketing communication, the image of food rises. Images proclaim that this is reflection of the real, but are in fact, reflection of the simulacrum. And these images will be multiplied in simulacra. This research will investigate the constant changing relationship between humans and food as the image rises. This involves quantitative surveys carried out in public where researcher gets a brief overview of public’s perception towards food and food media. Secondly, individual in-depth study with people from selected groups allow researcher to focus on important traits unique to each respective group. Through this research, a deeper understanding of food as image will be achieved and thus, more accurate advertising strategies can be carried out to achieve greater success.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n1p197


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How to Cite

The Rise of Food as Image. (2014). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1), 197.