Optimization of Triploidy Induction and Growth Performance of Clarias Anguillarias (African Catfish) using Cold Shock


  • Nkeonyeasua Florence Olele Fisheries Department, Delta State University, Asaba Campus Nigeria.
  • Onome Harrison Tighiri Fisheries Department, Delta State University, Asaba Campus Nigeria.


Chromosome manipulation produce polyploidy, which improves fish yield in aquaculture. Triploid hatchlings were obtained from the egg and sperm of Clarias anguillarias fertilized artificially and exposed to cold shock at 50C for 20 minutes, three minutes after fertilization. A total number of 20 juveniles from treatment A:(Diploid) and treatment B: (Triploid) were collected two weeks after hatching. Blood samples for erythrocyte measurements were obtained after cutting the caudal fin of the samples. T-test results was significant (P<0.05) for erythrocyte nucleus volume (where the value for treatment 'A' was 0.64±0.03 and 1.15± 0.18 for treatment 'B') and erythrocyte cell volume, (where treatment 'A' was valued at 13.20±0.13 and treatment 'B' at 15.27±0.66). One way analysis of variance revealed that treatment 'B' produced higher mean weight gain (166.66±53.44g), than treatment 'A' whose value was 50.40±3.03%. However, a higher hatching rate was realized from treatment 'A' having value of 77.53±2.19%, than 50.40±3.03% for treatment 'B'. This study has shown that bigger fish was produced when triploid than diploid catfish were reared. Thus the research has provided a better alternative to bigger and more fish production in aquaculture. It also showed that erythrocyte measurement was reliable for the determination of polyploidy levels.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n7p189


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Optimization of Triploidy Induction and Growth Performance of Clarias Anguillarias (African Catfish) using Cold Shock. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(7), 189. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/1690