Construction of Water Purifying Device


  • Mamudu Afizu Department of Physics Education, School of Science Education, Federal College of Education (Technical), P.M.B. 1013, Potiskum, Yobe State, Nigeria
  • Adamu Isa Suleh Department of Physics Education, School of Science Education, Federal College of Education (Technical), P.M.B. 1013 Potiskum, Yobe State, Nigeria


The consumption of non-purified water in almost all rural and parts of urban settlement have been an issue to human health and in some cases result to death among the infants and adults. Water is essential to human life but naturally not pure for human consumption due to the concentration of particulate matters including suspended particles, parasites, bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi and a range of dissolved materials derived from the surface that the water may have made contact with. Artificial means have been adopted by man to eliminate the influence of this foreign body from water to make it safe for consumption. However, the intake of chemical has an advance influence on a man. For example chlorine has a bleaching action. In an effort to seek for means of substituting for the use of artificial means for purifying water, the abundant solar energy was exploited. This paper therefore focused at construction of a simple water-purifying device by using solar energy. In constructing these devices local materials were used and were powered by natural sources of energy (solar energy).The constructed device was used and tested with room temperature of about 305ok then after exposing it to the solar energy the temperature roused to about 3600k after some hours. The research work ended by making suggestions for more research work on the project.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n7p137





How to Cite

Construction of Water Purifying Device. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(7), 137.