To Modernize or Not to Modernize – There is No Question


  • Slađana Živković Technical College of Vocational studies & Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture University of Niš, Serbia
  • Nadežda Stojković Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia


The present paper has reported on modernization of foreign language teaching/learning process through the theoretical framework of constructivism. It has described some of the advantages of digital technologies, and how the Internet can be used in the foreign language classroom. Modern technologies are one of the necessities of the educational system in digital society, and have become a prerequisite to the modernization of education. The Internet, as a powerful information and communication technology resource, helps us to understand the world we live in, and it gives a new dimension to foreign language teaching/learning process. The 21st century education requires critical thinking, accurate and efficient problem solving, effective communication skills, collaboration and team work, creativity, innovative skills, technology skills, and lifelong learning. According to constructivism, learning is no longer seen simply as the result of the transmission of knowledge; it is an active process of constructing knowledge supported by various perspectives within meaningful and authentic contexts and interactions with the environment. The Internet is used to fit the requirements of goals in order to be effective within the constructivist learning environment.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n11p70


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How to Cite

To Modernize or Not to Modernize – There is No Question. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(11), 70.