The Role of Foreign Policy and its Purpose in World Politics


  • İsa Erbaş PhD candidate, Department of Political Science and International Relations European University, Tirana, Albania


This research paper examines the role of foreign policy and its purpose in world politics. Since the 1990s, foreign policy has started facing challenges of constant redefining its places of responsibilities. It is well known that domestic politics is simply an essential part of the explanation for states' foreign policies, and it searches to understand its impact in world politics. Mainly, foreign policy analysis based upon the argument that all decisions between nations are taken by single or group decision makers. External and domestic factors have affected foreign policy ` decisions. World leaders make decisions to go to war, make peace, create atmosphere for diplomatic relations, impose economic sanctions etc. It is important to note that this research adapts quantitative and content analyses. Firstly; this study begins defining identity. It shows that how much identity is important for foreign policy. Secondly, the study gives information about background of foreign policy and the advantages of foreign policy in world politics. Thirdly it explains the purpose of foreign policy in the World. During the whole research and after the completion of the research, the researcher should abide by the ethical code of The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).The SPSS 16, and the Nvivo10 were used to find and analyze the collected data.Finally, the paper concludes its findings and results with discussions and further suggestions.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n11p40


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How to Cite

The Role of Foreign Policy and its Purpose in World Politics. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(11), 40.