Elements of Ibsen`s Drama: Reversion, Anagnorisis and Catastrophe
This paper will be focused mainly in the elements of symbolic drama of Henrik Ibsen, Brand and Peer Gynt, and When We Dead Awaken . Most scholars consider them as unrealized work of his. A close review of these plays requires the necessity of its connection with Aristotelian principles of tragedy as well as in many other dramas of Ibsen. The element of reversion and recognition finds place in the most magnificent works of great dramatist, and no doubt, it is present in Ibsen’s drama. However, the most important part is when reversion encounters recognition, which is the unique feature of this drama, which interweaves in it the complication of the relation between the subject and the characters. In the combination of stage metaphor with the textual metaphor, one can notice the animal lust, the pure and sublime love, the sacrificing life, the betrayed art, which try to survive although too late for that. This is because artistic visions are unifying and conflicting voices in the last stage metaphor of the plays.Downloads
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Elements of Ibsen`s Drama: Reversion, Anagnorisis and Catastrophe. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(4), 303. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/135