Lexical-Semantic Fields Due to Word-Formation in Synonymic Adverbs; Affixes Fields


  • Manjola Zaçellari “Aleksander Moisiu” University of Durres, Albania
  • Ledjana Beshaj “Aleksander Moisiu” University of Durres, Albania


Studies and different analysis in lexical semantic field are also compiled via lexical and semantic fields. In fact, nowadays none of the studies can be done without this method, set by Jost Trier. These fields can also be traced from a very interesting angle, that of word-formation. This constitutes the aim of our work; to see these fields due to word-formation at synonymic adverbs. Mainly, we are focused on the affixes formations, because the affixes derived adverbs is a very rich class in Albanian language, also at conversion, compound and composed formations. Thus, the words are seen according to tantamount, exception, contraposition, inclusion relations etc. We are interested in studying the synonymy in the adverbs formed by these affixes: alb: -isht –thi, as / -azi, -shëm, -t(ë), -a, –aj, -sh, -çe. Thus, inside one word we can do groupings according to affixes fields. For example, at the word blindly (alb: verbërisht) we can distinguish these fields: a. the affix field of the units formed with the suffix –as (-azi): alb: verbas (verbazi); qorras (qorrazi); symbyllurazi; b. The affix field of the units formed with the suffix –thi: alb: symbyllthi; qorrthi; c. the affix field of the units formed with the suffix -shëm: alb: verbueshëm; the field of other affixes, derived or not, as: alb: kuturu, symbyllur, symbyllti. he adverbs formed with compound also form a large word-formation field. While, the word-formation field of adverbs formed with composition is smaller. The interpreted material is harvest from Albanian Synonymic Dictionary (2004).

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2012.v2n4p293


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Lexical-Semantic Fields Due to Word-Formation in Synonymic Adverbs; Affixes Fields. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(4), 293. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/134