Overview of Translation Process and Equivalence in Albanian Literary Translations


  • Piro Tanku University “Aleksander Moisiu” of Durres, Albania


Translation studies and translation criticism, because of the nature and intertwine of many applied disciplines such as linguistic and literary stylistics, linguistics, semiotics, pragmatic, aesthetic, etc. have attracted and continue to attract the attention of many researchers. In this context, note that "given that translation problems arise during the practical implementation of the requirements and principles of relevant methods, the implementation procedures, etc., should not underestimate the practical aspect, the combination of theoretical analysis of translation practice with translations "developing further cooperation and communication between researchers and translators. By referring to various theories regarding the translation process we notice two trends and attitudes. One tends to overestimate the role of linguistic structures in the process of translation, and other intuitive trend relies on intuition and subjectivity of the translator, translating addresses therefore entirely independent of linguistic structures. Despite these discrepancies, it should be noted that they join in the fact of the translation that should create to readers the effect of the translated text as close to that of the original text readers. A special attention is given to the careful treatment of this principle in contemporary literature theory and translation criticism. For this we will take into account some of the theories of these authors on the process of translation and their definitions on this process.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2012.v2n4p231


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Overview of Translation Process and Equivalence in Albanian Literary Translations. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(4), 231. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/126