A Semiotic Translation of Memes: Trump’s Visit to Saudi Arabia as a Case Study


  • Anjad A. Mahasneh Translation Department, Yarmouk University, Jordan
  • Hana Bashayreh Translation Department, Yarmouk University, Jordan




Internet memes, semiotics, translation, Saussure, signs, Trump


This study examines the semiotic translation of memes and their emergence as a new genre of items or entertainment that is becoming rapidly publicized across various social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, among others. The researchers used Saussure's signifier for the translation of the semiotic relationship between images, text and meanings in the examination of six randomly selected internet memes about Donald Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia in 2017. The study results revealed that internet memes do not only transmit a variety of meanings but also convey expressive social and political messages. In addition, the study found that memes deliver entertainment and drive social media users to express common reactions. It was also found that memes affect the language, thoughts, and cultural concepts of any given nation.


Received: 30 March 2021 / Accepted: 28 June 2021 / Published: 8 July 2021


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How to Cite

A Semiotic Translation of Memes: Trump’s Visit to Saudi Arabia as a Case Study. (2021). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 10(4), 32. https://doi.org/10.36941/ajis-2021-0096