Topical Issues of Interpretation of the Criminal Procedure Norms on the Basis of Judicial Practice Taking into Account the International and Russian Components


  • Tatyana Gennad’evna Borodinova The North Caucasus Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational İnstitution of Higher Education “Russian State University of Justice”, Krasnodar, Russia
  • Anna Alexandrovna Petrikina “Russian State University of Justice”, Krasnodar, Russia
  • Vladimir Vladimirovich Borodinov “Russian State University of Justice”, Krasnodar, Russia
  • Irina Vladimirovna Gubko “Russian State University of Justice”, Krasnodar, Russia



The research reveals the peculiarities of interpretation of the criminal procedure norms emphasizing the practical importance. Its purpose is to identify and solve problems of law enforcement in criminal proceedings. The nature and types of interpretation of the criminal procedure norms were subjected to a detailed analysis based on the judicial and investigative practice. Difficulties with interpretation of the criminal procedure norms in connection with the legislative gaps, difficulties in the process of interpreting the cross-industry terms lack of digital information support of the newly published acts interpreting the norms of law and establishment of specific terms for its implementation, were singled out as separate problems. The use of a set of methods of scientific cognition was promotive of the achievement of the result. The conclusions show that the competent interpretation and application of the criminal procedure law by the courts, taking into account the specifics of this branch of law, can increase the efficiency of justice. The scientific novelty of this research is that for the first time, in an integrated manner and on the basis of a systematic analysis of the practice of interpretation and application of the norms of criminal law. It is planned to formulate proposals and recommendations to improve the work of the courts, law enforcement bodies and the advocacy suggesting specific measures to optimize the said direction.







Research Articles

How to Cite

Topical Issues of Interpretation of the Criminal Procedure Norms on the Basis of Judicial Practice Taking into Account the International and Russian Components. (2020). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 9(3), 46.