Semantic Peculiarities of the Verbs with the Highest Degree of Polysemy Denoting Conflict Actions


  • Oksana Ivanivna Myhalets State University “Uzhhorod National University”, Uzhhorod, Ukraine



The purpose of th? article is to conduct a lexico-semantic analysis of the language units denoting conflict actions in modern English. Our task is to find out the semantic peculiarities of the polysemantic verbs in the language under study, which form the group of words denoting conflict actions with the highest degree of polysemy. The research has been carried out with the help of the system and structural approach, based on a combination of the formalized analysis of lexical semantics with linguistic methods of research. Such a combination is necessary for revealing the system and structural organization of lexical units denoting conflict actions and their inner mechanisms of functioning in modern English. As a result, the degree of the semantic relativity of the language units denoting conflict actions as well as the character of the semes’ functionality have been revealed. In addition, both common and distinctive features, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the verbs’ semantics in the language under study have been disclosed. Complex lexico-semantic analysis of the language units denoting conflict actions in English gave the opportunity to treat them as phenomena of person’s everyday life and activities as well as to find out different ways and means of their language expressions by means of the matrix.







Research Articles

How to Cite

Semantic Peculiarities of the Verbs with the Highest Degree of Polysemy Denoting Conflict Actions. (2020). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 9(3), 17.