Dominant Injuries from Road Traffic Accident Cycles in Lagos State, Nigeria


  • Augustus .O. Atubi Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria


Using mostly secondary data on vehicular accidents obtained from the Nigeria police force and
federal road safety commission, the study examine dominant injuries from road traffic accident
cycles in Lagos State, Nigeria (1970-2001). The reported dominant injuries from road traffic
accident cycles in the 20 local government areas of Lagos State were compared using the analysis of
variance (ANOVA). The results showed that for the two factors, local government areas and years,
the f-calculated of 21.34 and 9.77 respectively were higher than the f-tabular of 1.57 and 1.46
respectively at 0.05 level of significance. It then implies that the means for each of the factors,
reported injuries from road traffic accidents across the 20 local government areas of Lagos State and
across different years were significantly different. Based on the findings, recommendations were
proffered on how to reduce the phenomenon of injuries from traffic accidents in Lagos State.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Dominant Injuries from Road Traffic Accident Cycles in Lagos State, Nigeria. (2012). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 1(2), 237.