English Language and its Importance of Learning it in Albanian Schools


  • Ervin Balla


Taking into consideration many factors that indicate that the English language has taken an important place in communication and its use by millions in the whole world has become a necessity and not an unecessary subject in the teaching process in Albanian universities. As a result of that many countries including Albania are seeing an increase of the demand for teaching the English language since the first grades. Also it is found necessary the addition of classes of foreign languages in Albanian schools and universities. The curricula of the language is enriched each year and the new methods are becoming more profitable in teaching the language. Naturally teaching the English at school is becoming important not only academically but also in the practical aspect of learning, such as using language for various purposes such as business purposes, communication, reading foreign books especially in literature or other types. In the aspect of learning the language in the school not only the book is important but also other factors need to be taken into account.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2017.v6n2s1p109


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English Language and its Importance of Learning it in Albanian Schools. (2017). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 6(2 S1), 109. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/10044