The Professional Figure in the Relation to the Family of Special Need Children


  • Arbana Zhapaj


Most of the professionals that work in the field of special needs help in development of the healthy relations with the families that have a child with special needs. Others continue to hide their profession behind the analyses conducted through medical diagnoses, and further more others judge the families, laws, conditions and what we normally have, a family of growing problems. The professionals should be active partners together with the families for the future of the children with special needs, by creating a relation based on respect and empathy. The attitudes of the professionals towards the families of the special need children make the relation to head to positivity or negativity. Normally these attitudes come from the perception that the professionals have for the feelings that parents experience, the impact of the child on the family, what they consider important to construct a collaboration and to assess when and how the parents need the professionals, or the characteristics that the relation present with these parents. The aim of the study is to point out the opinions that the professionals have in relation to the family; these opinions will help us to evaluate the attitudes of the professionals and their impact in the development of the collaboration with the families.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2017.v6n2s1p25


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How to Cite

The Professional Figure in the Relation to the Family of Special Need Children. (2017). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 6(2 S1), 25.