Psychological Peculiarities of Decision Making by Health Professionals in Various Conditions


  • Tatiana Ryabova


This article contains the data and the research analysis for the psychological features of the decision making process performed by health professionals in various conditions of professional activity: the emergency worker and the outpatient reception doctors. The data resulting from the study suggest qualitative difference in the decision-making process between the emergency doctors and the outpatient physicians as far as informational, procedural /cognitive, communicational, vigilance and procrastination factors are concerned. Emergency physicians have shortage of information, limited quantity of information confining the rationality of decision resulting in increase of clinical intuition role relying on the doctor’s experience. To improve effectiveness of the medical service activities, the obtained data of the carried out study can be used by the emergency medical services coordinators for professional selection of emergency doctors, be a source of information as basic data for further studies in this field; and applied by the psychologist working in emergency call services.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s5p217


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How to Cite

Psychological Peculiarities of Decision Making by Health Professionals in Various Conditions. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S5), 217.